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Starting July 7th through July 12th, 2019

The program is for grades 1-12

Sign up forms will be available in the near future.



- Totus Tuus 2015 Group Picture - Click Picture to Enlarge -

Totus Tuus, a Latin phrase meaning “Totally Yours"

Totus Tuus, a Latin phrase meaning “Totally Yours"

Totus Tuus is a summer Catholic youth program dedicated to sharing the Gospel and promoting the Catholic faith through evangelization, catechesis, Christian witness, and Eucharistic worship. Our week-long Parish Summer Catechetical Program and Summer Camps assist parents and parishes in the evangelizing and catechizing of their youth by supplementing the work they are already doing. The methodology, structure, content, and enthusiasm of Totus Tuus is concerned not only with teaching the faith, but also igniting the hearts of the team members and young people. The result has been the formation of young adults who continue to dedicate themselves to the Church’s mission of evangelization.

Mission Statement

The mission of Totus Tuus is to inspire in young people a true longing for holiness, a deep desire for daily conversion and an openness to their vocation by constantly challenging them to give themselves entirely to Christ through Mary and by continually strengthening their prayer lives in imitation of Her.

The Five Marks of Totus Tuus

1. Proclamation of the arouse faith.
2. Explanation...examination of the reasons for our beliefs.
3. Christian experience of Christian living.
4. Celebration of the Sacraments...especially Holy Eucharist and Confession.
5. Active witness of the Missionary Nature of the Catholic Church.


Totus Tuus joins the Church in her proclamation of the Gospel to arouse faith in the youth of the Catholic Diocese of Oklahoma City. Ready with "an explanation…for the reason for your hope" (1 Peter 3:15), Totus Tuus teachers expound upon the reasons for our beliefs and share their personal testimonies with the young people.


Pope Paul VI wrote, "Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses" (Evangelii Nuntiandi, 41). With this in mind, Totus Tuus team members are immersed in a life of prayer and give witness to the fruits of that experience of Christian living to the youth.


Additionally, the daily schedule of the Totus Tuus teachers revolves around the Mass, the Sacraments, and prayer. A summer given entirely to God and the young people of the Catholic Diocese of Oklahoma City would not be possible otherwise.



The Five Pillars of Totus Tuus

1. The Eucharist
2. Marian devotion
3. Catechesis
4. Vocational discernment
5. Fun


The Eucharist has pride of place in the Totus Tuus schedule, for both team members and participants. Prayer - the Liturgy of the Hours, the Rosary, the Angelus, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - provides the structure, but the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the "source and summit" of the daily schedule.


Totus Tuus catechists and counselors will lead the young people to Jesus for a week; however, Mary will lead them to Jesus for a lifetime. Therefore, Totus Tuus promotesMarian devotion. Meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary, we come to see how Mary always leads us to her Son. Praying with her and to her, we hear her say to us, "Do whatever He tells you" (John 2:5).


An authentic catechesis, rooted in an orderly and systematic explanation of God’s revelation of Himself through the person of Jesus Christ, provides the foundation of the program’s teaching. Totus Tuus instructs young people in the basic tenets of the Catholic faith to cultivate both a firm intellectual grounding and a solid relationship with Jesus. All of our teaching aims to help young people grow in the understanding of, strengthen their faith in, and, most importantly, develop an intimate friendship with Jesus Christ.


Totus Tuus strives to foster Christian vocations by encouraging young people to begin discerning God’s call in their life to be married, a priest, a religious, or single. Team members sign a "covenant" in which they promise to be open to and actively discern God’s will for them. Because they are striving to live an authentic Christian life and are actively discerning their vocation, they can better help the youth to do the same.


Finally, Totus Tuus demonstrates that one can be a faithful Catholic and still have fun. Morning "pump up," silly skits and songs, recess, water fights in the parishes, and all of the many Totus Tuus Olympic challenges at camp, infuse the element of fun in the program.

The Totus Tuus Curriculum

The Sacred Scriptures and the Catechism of the Catholic Church provide the foundation of the catechetical instruction of the Totus Tuus summer catechetical program. The Totus Tuus Parish Program has divided the four pillars of the Catechism into a six-year teaching cycle:


  • Year One: The Mystery of Salvation

  • Year Two: The Apostle’s Creed

  • Year Three: The Sacraments - 2019

  • Year Four: The Commandments

  • Year Five: The Virtues

  • Year Six: Prayer and the Our Father


To complement this six-year cycle, Totus Tuus follows a four-year cycle dedicated to the mysteries of the Rosary:


  • The Joyful Mysteries

  • The Luminous Mysteries

  • The Sorrowful Mysteries- 2019

  • The Glorious Mysteries

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