Please Fill out Both Forms Completely!
Kids Summer Activities
Totus Tuus - June 19th thru 24th - Click here for more information

RE classes begin Sunday, August 21st at 9:30 a.m. for grades pre-K through 4th.
RE classes begin Wednesday, August 24th at 6:15 p.m. for Confirmation I
and Confirmation II at 6:45 for 5th through 8th grade.
The Medical Consent Form and the Family Enrollment form must be filled out.
Tuition prices are $15 for one child, $25 for two and $30 for a family with more than two kids.
There is also a $10 fee for those students who will receive a sacrament this year.
Christmas Mass Schedule
Saturday, December 24 - 11:45 PM
Sunday, December 25 - 12:00 AM
Holy Mass
Sunday, December 25 - 10:00 AM
Holy Mass
Mass Schedule
Saturday - 5:00 PM
Sunday - 8:30 AM
2:00 PM (Spanish)
Daily Mass: Please refer to bulletin
Confessions: Please refer to bulletin
Adoration: Friday 8:45 AM - 6:00 PM
Distribution of Ashes
7:00 AM Morning Prayer and
7:00 PM Holy Mass

Distribution of Ashes
7:00 AM Morning Prayer and
7:00 PM Holy Mass

Christmas Mass Schedule
Christmas Eve (Sunday)
Caroling - 6:00PM
Mass - 6:30 PM
Caroling - 11:30 PM
Christmas Day (Monday)
Mass - 12:00 AM (Midnight Mass)
Mass - 9:00 AM

Christmas Mass Schedule
Christmas Eve
Tuesday, December 24
Caroling - 11:30 PM
Mass - 12:00 AM (Midnight Mass)
Christmas Day
Wednesday, December 25
Mass - 10:00 AM
Solemnity of Mary Holy Mother of God
Wednesday, January 1
Holy Day of Obligation
Holy Mass – 10:00 AM
(with a potluck fellowship following the Mass)

Please fill out one Youth Consent Form per child and one Totus Tuus Application per family.
Bring all filled out forms to the Parish Office.
Registration Forms

Starting July 12th through July 17th, 2015
The program is for grades 1-12
Easter Lilies
As we prepare for Easter Time consider remembering and honoring your departed loved ones by helping us to provide in their memory Easter lilies to place around our church’s altar and tabernacle they are $20. The Last day to place your order in March 22.
Please call the parish office at 482-3363 to help us adorn the sanctuary.
Going on NOW!

Full Screen

Totus Tuus T-Shirts
Must be PAID by June 26th (Pay in Office)

Sunday Morning for:
Pre-K thur 4th from 9:45 AM - 11:00 AM
First Communion from 9:45 AM - 11:30 AM
Wednesday Night for:
5th thur High School from 6:45 PM - 8:15 PM
Confirmation I and II from 6:15 PM - 8:15 PM

Our neighbors are calling for our help. When many hands join together, we can lift them from their darkness. We can clothe, feed, and shelter them, bring them hope and peace, and share with them the immensity of God’s love.

The Totus Tuus team of college students will return to Prince of Peace
June 19-23 for 7th - 12th grade from 7:30 AM - 9:45 PM
June 20-24 for 1st - 6th grade from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM.
Please download the Registration Form above and return to the Parish Office!

The Archdiocesan Development Fund helps bring this mission to life in each of our parishes through the many ministries and apostolates of the Archdiocese. Your contribution to the Archbishop’s Appeal supports this life-affirming mission to bring the Good News to the poor, console the sorrowing, heal the broken hearted, to bring sight to the blind, to reconcile and heal in the name of Jesus, the face of the Father’s mercy.

2017 Annual Catholic Appeal
God's Light Shine Through Us
Flowers on our Altar
Flowers on our Altar are a gift to the church. This is an opportunity to contribute to the beauty of the service while remembering people special in our life. Flowers can be given in memory of a loved one or in thanksgiving for an event or other special occasions.
If you wish to place flowers on the Altar, please call the parish office at (580) 482-3363.